

The remote jobs you've been waiting for, straight to your inbox

Tell us your location and your favorite tech companies.
We'll take care of keeping you up to date with their latest remote positions.


New Remote Opportunity

Spotify · Senior Web Engineer


New Remote Opportunity

Reddit · Data Scientist


New Remote Opportunity

GitHub · Senior Backend Engineer


New Remote Opportunity

Shopify · Staff DevOps Engineer


New Remote Opportunity

Linear · Lead Product Designer

Don't miss that lifetime opportunity. Stay up to date.

With Remotebear, our goal is to notify you when your favorite remote companies publish a job opportunity that matches your taste.
We don't hand-pick remote jobs for you — we let you tell us what you're interested in.

Your location does matter. We know it.

We understand how frustrating it can be to sift through hundreds of remote job postings that don't apply to your location. Our top priority is to build the most accurate job location classifier and avoid bothering you with unavailable opportunities.

Stay tuned. We're on it.

Remotebear is a work in progress and we can't wait to share it with you.
If you're interested, we can email you when we're ready for our first beta release.
No spam, no unnecessary updates.

If you're a company interested in collaborations, or if you'd like to provide feedback and suggestions, please get in touch.